Monday 1 February 2010

Real women..

'Real' women. This is a phrase that seems to get thrown around a lot these days, usually accompanied by 'have curves.' Now just a warning, this is a rant, and one that will probably upset people, but as a girl that borders on the 'fairly small' side of life, I am finding myself increasingly disenfranchised with this whole 'real women' malarky. Not to mention incredibly annoyed, and insulted that due to my small proportions I am 'less woman' than others.
Of course in our capitalist world, companies have run wild with this, size 0 sells, whilst they then spread the message that 'real women have curves' when it's necessary; anything to sell to anyone.
And if it's not the world markets using this utter nonsense, it's other women, a legion of overweight ladies justifying their unhealthy lifestyle by claiming 'at least i'm a real woman.'
Yes, whilst it's true that curves are psychologically speaking, more attractive to men due to the subconscious link between bigger hips and fertility, curves are the natural way the female body is, it's how it's sculptured. The smallest of girls will have curves, how big they are depends on the natural size of the girls pelvis. A bit of fat on the hips and bum will ultimately help the illusion, but it's time that these 'real' women realise the 'curves' that they are so proud of is nothing more but unhealthy fat shrouding their real curvature. If you can't find your hips from your stomach then you are not a 'real curvy woman.'

It's a subject of great annoyance, it's okay for the global community to sexualise women and only use a certain body type, but it's not okay for the women that are actually this size to acknowledge that they look good. Now obviously I'm not speaking between the extremes of bordering on anorexia and bulimia because that's an entirely different topic, this is just between the small healthy sized girl, and those that are bordering on overweight. These 'real women' have run riot, moving the message that a healthy weight is most desired to almost saying; it's better to be larger, it's perfectly fine to be an unhealthy weight, you are 'real.'
There are no 'real women are a healthy weight for their size' phrases, no 'real women don't need a fat bum and big breasts' phrases, and as much trouble as this will cause, the reason simply comes to; jealousy. We girls that are healthy and slim know our bodies are fine, we don't have issues with them, we don't need to justify ourselves by claiming to be more real than bigger girls. These women that spend their life broadcasting 'REAL WOMEN HAVE CURVES' need to take a lesson in self-esteem, need to realise it's an excuse to be unhealthy, yes it is perfectly normal and attractive to carry an extra bit of weight on certain areas, but if you're bordering overweight, or obese, that's NOT okay. Please don't fool yourselves into thinking you are anymore real than us; the tiny girls, and don't insult us, it's not okay to refer to larger women as 'fat' in the general media, but yet it is okay for them to bash the naturally petite girls. To insinuate we're not as real nor attractive. Women need to realise everybody is a different size, men are all different; stop using them as the lead object in your life, life isn't about turning them on, you can call yourselves 'real' but at the end of the day it still comes down to each individual man's personal preference. And guess what? Healthy will win at least 90% of the time, no matter how how much you drill into society you're real and the girls whose natural curves are clearly visable; are not.
Rant out.

I'll turn this into an actual piece at some point but for now I just needed to rant it out. Don't take up a problem with this, afterall; I'm not quite 5"3, a UK size 6/8 with A cup breasts, so blatantly; I'm not real.

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