Friday 26 June 2009


It's a bit poetry central at the moment, sorry, overwhelmed by thoughts and as a silly girlie; I like to scribble them down into rambles that may be classed as 'poetry.'
Having in this past week failed my A levels (yes, it's happened, don't even need to wait til results), been going through the heartache of a *lovely* break up, and am just about to finish college and get myself sorted for uni, everything is a bit of a mess up there in Gemmaland. So apologies for any random scrawls/harsh words/ignorance/etc...
To be fair, I just have no idea what I'm doing, where I'm going or who I am at the moment. Everything is a blur. I'm trying to lose myself in hanging out with friends but all it's doing is making me sadder and feel more at a loss when I'm alone. Hmmm.
My writing is appalling in this so I'm cutting my losses and going to bed.
Hugs and tea.

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