Tuesday, 12 October 2010

out with the old..

And in with the new!

So much has changed this year that it only felt right to give the blog a bit of a revamp. :) Life is unusual, life is painful but it never stops growing. Over the past 6 months I've given up on some old 'friends' and embraced the love of some new ones. Second year at university is splendid, and I have to give some credit of that towards the pesky Costa Coffee cart, it replaced my beloved 70p coffee machine, however after cursing the evils of capitalism, consumerism and Costa, I eventually have given into my caffeine addiction and my frequenting to over-charged cappuccinos, lattes, and mochas puts a smile on my face almost every Costa day!

Right enough of that though, it does not say much for my life when I spend a paragraph swooning over coffee... However it says even more that following the writing of that sentence, I continued to gaze out of my window thinking; 'well... now I don't know what else to say.' And so with this I shall have to depart... ^_^ I'm sure you are excited by my life now, and so til the next time...

Ciao xx

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