Monday 27 July 2009

Breaking point...

Well, it's taken a while but I've finally hit breaking point, this is just to let any readers know I have deactivated my facebook, it's gonna stay this way for a while, and I'm making tracks to moving on with my life, with or without a few people I thought would be around for a lonnnnnnnng time. But life surprises us, and I can't bear to spend one more day crying my eyes out about the past few months so I'm erasing it, it never happened, college was a figment of my imagination that helped me get to uni, and now I sit and await this whilst appreciating the people that I still have. =] I'm gutted, and I'm heartbroken, but such is life, I've suffered worse, and people that seem determined to pull me down are not going to. Once upon a time, a guy I adored broke my heart, stole my money, and our friendship was effectively ruined forever, I vowed to myself to never let that happen again, never let a situation with someone I truly cared for get so messed up to the point you can't even make eye contact, but alas... it's apparently happened, and I can't begin to describe how miserable this makes me. I've tried to do everything right, but now I know the only thing I can do right, is to forget, forget, forget, and move on. The only way I move on from people is to delete them from my life, and put myself completely out of the way from them, even then they have the power to bug me and make me sad and thoughtful at times but generally the pain is gone, and so that's what I need to do. People have made very clear their feelings towards me, and certain situations and they do not wish to be a part of my life anymore, that is fine, but explanation, and clarity never hurt anyone as much as fucking around, and pushing people to the ground. I've done nothing to deserve this fucked up show, and I'm gone.

I needed this rant to clear things up for myself, I do apologise.

Better update when things start moving back up.

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